Along with all the "New School" Sign things we do, we are also trained and still work the "Old School" brush styles. We consider ourselves as a rarity in the modern Sign game as we have retained the old hand-painted Sign skills while still killing the new print/wrap era.
Bossman on the brushes. Hand painting signs in the Solid Signs workshop.
Being in the Signage Industry we believe its incredibly important to appreciate and embrace where the industry has come from and use that in modern day to be progressive.
Branding tip.
Make every job out do your previous. It will become the most valuable & free advertising you will ever have.
Below is a collection of Signs we painted over the past 3 weeks, with one job leading to another. A nice change of pace from sitting at a computer and operating machines.
Locky Naef - Owner and everything- Solid Signs
Signwriting has a deep and interesting history with some creative and interesting characters. Here is one of them below!